The registration for the “English Online Sirah Articles Reading Program” which is arranged by Siyer Foundation and organized especially for both those who are undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students and also for those who are concerned with “Sirah” has started.
The program consists of the discussion of the English academic articles which were released in the special issue named “The Prophet Muhammad” of the “Journal of Sirah Studies” by six-month periods, which are refereed and were scanned not only by various national (İSAM, Asos İndeks, İsnad) but also by international (EBSCO, Index Copernicus) indexes.

The Program is comprised of the seven-week online-live discussion/presentation of the articles which are found in the relevant issue of the journal, and the program can be followed by merely those who register. Each week an article will be handled and at the end of each discussion/presentation, there will be a “question-answer” section.
Our foundation has held a program that is particular to this special issue and which will last seven weeks, and each week an article will be discussed. In the scope of the program, an article will be discussed each week and at the end of the program, those who follow the program regularly will receive a participation certificate.
Those who abide by the below-mentioned conditions will be awarded by “Participant Certificate” which is in PDF format.
Date: August 19 – September 30, 2022
Day and Time: On every Friday, time: 09.00 pm (The program will be at 09.00 local time in Turkey.)
1. Registration for the program is obligatory and free of charge.
2. The participants are supposed to record the necessary information accurately and absolutely so that their registration will be completed successfully. Additionally, the participants are supposed to join the below-mentioned Telegram channel.
3. Those who make registration will not be informed in terms of the verification of their registration and will not receive any feedback like an announcement message. If the participants follow the necessary steps, then the registration process is done.
4. It is compulsory to attend the program regularly for those who make registration. Those who miss “2” (two) discussions/presentations consecutively, or those who miss “4” (four) or more at intervals “without any excuses” will be out of the program
5. Each attendance will be followed through “Google Forms.” The time of attendance will be from 15 minutes before the beginning of the online-live presentation/discussion to at the end of it. Both the link for attendance and also videos will be shared from the Telegram channel right before the presentation/discussion.
6. It is a personal responsibility for the participants to follow the announcements made during the program. Besides, the participants have to abide by those announcements.
7. At the end of the program, those who participate in the program consistently will receive a participant certificate which is in PDF format.
8. It is mandatory to read the articles which will be discussed in the program beforehand.
The link for the articles which will be handled in the program:
The link for the Telegram channel through which the announcements will be made:
For further information except to the points which are found in the news text: 0549 544 58 46 (Whatsapp Information Line)
1. August 19, Friday 09:00 p.m.
Introduction: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tahsin Koçyiğit (SAD Editor) / Ege University / Birgivi Faculty of Islamic Studies
Subject/Article: The Life of Muhammad Before Prophetic Call in The Sirah of Ibn Ishaq
Presentation: Prof. Dr. Nahide Bozkurt / Ankara University / Faculty of Religious Studies
2. August 26, Friday 09:00 p.m.
Subject/Article: The First Revelation and the Period of Persecution by Meccans
Presentation: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurullah Yazar/ Ankara University / Faculty of Religious Studies
3. September 2, Friday 09:00 p.m.
Subject/Article: The Treaty of Aqabah, The Messenger of The Hijrah
Presentation: Postgraduate Student Tayfur Yurdanur/ Marmara University/ Faculty of Religious Studies
4. September 9, Friday 09:00 p.m.
Subject/Article: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad in terms of Battles and Expeditions
Presentation: Dr. Associate Hüseyin Gökalp/ Selçuk University/ Faculty of Islamic Studies
5. September 16, Friday 10:00 p.m.
Subject/Article: Understanding Muslim – Jewish Relationship in Medina during the Era of Prophet Muhammad
Presentation Graduate Farhana binti Ideris / International Islamic University College of Selangor, Department of Dakwah and Usuluddin, Malaysia
6. September 23, Friday 09:00 p.m.
Subject/Article: Prophet Muhammad’s Relations with Christians (An Islamic Perspective)
Presentation: Prof. Dr. Seyfettin Erşahin / Ankara University/ Faculty of Religious Studies
7. September 30, Friday 09:00 p.m.
Subject/Article: The Wives and the Children of the Prophet Muḥammad
Presentation: Researcher Dion Priatma / Fatih Sultan Mehmet University